Designer and developer blog
If you have an iPhone or iPod touch, chances are it is jailbroken. Since it unlocks and gives you many applications and hacks not provided by apple. Most iPhone/iPod touch Jailbreakers have an app called OpenSSH
This app allows you to send, receive, and edit files on your device. Using an SSH client such as WinSCP
SSH to /System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app/English.lproj/
Copy SpringBoard.strings to your computer and rename it to SpringBoard.plist
Look for string AWAY_LOCK_LABEL
Change that to what ever you like (NOTE : change only the string, dont change the key)
Rename the file back to SpringBoard.strings
Copy the new edited file back to /System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app/English.lproj/
Reboot your device and you are set
In this guide we are going to install OS X 10.6.2 retail into a regular PC.
This was tested on a P5K motherboard but there are several reports of working with other motherboards as well. First you must purchase a copy of OS X 10.6. For this guide you DO NOT need a Mac to prepare the boot CD, it can be done from Windows, Linux or Mac.
We are thinking of adding an iPhone apps section to disipal.net
Though it is not directly related to wed development, many iPhone apps are in synergy with a website or are a major part of a website. And as iPhone apps become increasingly popular, the category becomes a major part of the Internet world.
So, give us your opinion on this. Do you want to see an iPhone section? Are you interested in iPhone apps discussion and code?
Tell us what you think in the comments below.